Key concepts of contract function invocations
Function Selector
In general, the function selector in StarkNet is used to specify a contract function. It is a hash of the function name, which is defined as the last 250 bits of the Keccak256 hash of the name encoded in ASCII. The reason it only takes the last 250 bits is probably to make the value fit in a StarkNet field element, because $P=2^{251}+17\cdot 2^{192}+1$. In the implementation, the Cairo VM get the selector by calling get_selector_from_name()
Unlike EVM, the selector in StarkNet is just a hash of the function name, rather than a hash of the function signature, i.e. the parameter types will not be considered when computing the selector. Only the name is depended on.
For example, the keccak256 hash of mint
is daf0b3c5710379609eb5495f1ecd348cb28167711b73609fe565a72734550354
. So its selector will be 2f0b3c5710379609eb5495f1ecd348cb28167711b73609fe565a72734550354
The calldata
in StarkNet is the encoding of arguments for a function call. When users call *.invoke()
, the Cairo VM will first construct calldata
and pass it to the contract function for execution.
How does Cairo VM constructs calldata
The calldata
in StarkNet is a list of int. The way of argument encoding depends on its type. The following elementary types exist in StarkNet:
: a field element- Struct: a user-defined data structure
- Tuple: named or unnamed
- Pointer: with a pointee type
Details of these types can be found at here and here.
For an argument with type felt
, Cairo VM encodes it as an int directly, and appends it to calldata
For an argument with type Struct/Tuple (actually, a struct can be seen as a named tuple), Cairo VM first flattens it into a list of int, then concatenates it at the end of calldata
For an argument with type Pointer, because the syntax of StarkNet contract required that the size of the space allocated to the pointer should be provided preceding the pointer itself. That means if xxx: T*
is in the function signature, then xxx_len: felt
must be in the signature too. So a pointer can be seen as a fixed-size array. Therefore, Cairo VM first computed the length of the array and appends it to calldata
, followed by the encoding of each element in the array.
Finally, all integers in calldata
will be casted into felt (i.e. by modulo the prime $P$).
Here are some examples to illustrate the way Cairo VM constructs calldata
We define a struct called MyStruct
and a function foo
with two arguments a
and b
, with type felt
and MyStruct
struct MyStruct:
member first : felt
member second : felt
func foo{
syscall_ptr : felt*,
pedersen_ptr : HashBuiltin*,
}(a: felt, b: MyStruct):
return ()
If we invoke the foo
by, b=(0, 1)).invoke()
, the calldata
will be a list [100, 0, 1]
Here is another example with tuples and pointers:
func fptuple{
syscall_ptr : felt*,
pedersen_ptr : HashBuiltin*,
}(ptuple_len:felt, ptuple: (felt,(felt,felt))*):
return ()
If we invoke the fptuple
by contract.fptuple(ptuple=[(1, (1, 1)), (2, (2, 2))]).invoke()
, the calldata
will be a list [2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]
. The first 2
is the length of the array. And the following six elements is the two tuples after flattening.
Details of Cairo VM implementation
: A high level interface to a StarkNet state Object
: A high level interface to a StarkNet contract used for testing. Allows invoking functions.
: Represents a state of a StarkNet network.
: StarkNet internal transaction base class. Since there are many kinds of transaction, the class also has many subclasses, including:
– InternalDeclare
: The declaration of a Cairo contract class.
– InternalDeploy
: The deployment of a Cairo contract.
– InternalInvokeFunction
: The invocation of a Cairo contract function.
: StarkNet internal state transaction. The super class of InternalTransaction
It has an important abstract method _apply_specific_state_updates()
. The main role of this method is to apply different types of changes to current state according to different transaction types. The abstract method should be implemented by each concrete transaction subclass.
How does the cairo-vm work internally when calling the starknet.deploy()
In general, the cairo-vm first compiles the contract source file and constructs the contract class, in which there is information such as ABI, program bytecodes, function entrypoints and so on. After that it calculates the contract address. Finally, it updates the state.
What does deploy()
in the class Starknet
The method deploy()
deploys a contract on StartNet and returns a StarknetContract
instance which can be used to invoke contract functions. The specific workflow is as follows:
: Given either a ContractClass instance or a source file path (e.g..../contract.cairo
), returns the respective ContractClass instance.- Get the ContractClass instance through compiling the source file
- Get the ContractClass instance through compiling the source file
: Deploys a contract. Returns the contract address and the execution info.InternalDeploy.create_for_testing()
: It creates an instance of deployment transaction calledtx
:- Computes the hash of contract class.
- Calculates the contract address in StartNet from the previous hash.
- Calculates the transaction hash of this deployment.
: Update the state- To know about the details of the updating we can see the implementation of
in the classInternalDeploy
- Updates cairo usage.
- To know about the details of the updating we can see the implementation of
- Returns a
instance with the new contract address, the abi, and the state.
How does the cairo-vm work internally when calling the *.invoke()
function of a deployed contract?
Generally speaking, after a contract is deployed, when users call a contract function first time, the cairo-vm will build a function object that acts as a proxy for this function. When calling *.invoke()
, it will uses the proxy object to create a internal transaction which represents the invocations. The execution of the function occurs during the process of updating the transaction to the state. In the process of execution, the cairo-vm gets the entrypoint through the function selector and then runs from the entrypoint like a normal function.
Why we can call contract functions as if they were python member functions?
The class StarknetContract
implememts __getattr__()
to enable users to call functions in the contract as if they were member functions of the class StarknetContract
For example, assume contract
is an instance of StarknetContract
, and the contract class which belongs to has a function named foo()
, the users can invoke foo
with parameters a=1
. Here is the detailed process:
- Given the name
, the method__getaddr__()
first finds it is one of abi functions, then callget_contract_function(name = "foo")
. -
get_contract_function() -> Callable
: Returns a function object that acts as a proxy for a StarkNet contract function.
There is a field_contract_function
in the classStarknetContract
, which is a dict that stores contract functions that are already built. Iffoo
is not in the dict, then method_build_contract_function()
will be called to build it. -
_build_contract_function() -> Callable
: Builds a function object that acts as a proxy for a StarkNet contract function.- In this part, it first gets the names and types of
‘s arguments by parsing the abi. - After that, it builds Pythonic type annotations to those arguments, matching their Cairo types. For example, Cairo felt corresponds to Python int; Cairo Array corresponds Python List.
- It defines a function named
as the template of contract functions. Then it refines thetemplate()
with the information offoo
‘s arguments.- The return type of
, which represents a call to a StarkNet contract with a particular state and set of inputs. This class has a methodinvoke()
that is exactly what will be called when
- The return type of
- Finally it returns the refined function template as a callable object.
- In this part, it first gets the names and types of
Detailed procedure for calling *.invoke()
As mentioned before, after a contract is deployed, when users call a function in the contract, the corresponding function object will be built by get_contract_function()
After passing values of arguments to the function object, it will return a instance of StarknetContractFunctionInvocation
, which is construct by _build_function_call()
. Let us move into the class StarknetContractFunctionInvocation
About the Class StarknetContractFunctionInvocation
The class Represents a call to a StarkNet contract with a particular state and set of inputs. Here are several important fields:
– state: StarknetState
– name: str
– calldata: List[int]
– …
The Class StarknetContractFunctionInvocation
has two main methods named call()
and invoke()
. The only difference between them is that invoke()
executes the function call and applies changes on the state but call()
does not apply.
The methods invoke()
calls _invoke_on_given_state()
, which then calls invoke_raw()
. invoke_raw()
has four important arguments:
: a hexadecimal string or an integer representing the contract address.selector
: either a function name or an integer selector for the entrypoint to invoke.calldata
: a list of integers to pass as calldata to the invoked function.signature
: a list of integers to pass as signature to the invoked function.
The methods invoke_raw()
constructs a new transaction tx
, which is an instance of class InternalInvokeFunction
. The class represents the transactions that are invocations of contract functions. And it is also a subclass of InternalTransaction
. Therefore, we mainly concern the implementation of abstract method _apply_specific_state_updates()
in this class.
About _apply_specific_state_updates()
in class InternalInvokeFunction
What it does is applying self (the contract function) to the state by executing the entry point and charging fee for it (if needed). The execution flow is:
_apply_specific_state_updates() // of class InternalInvokeFunction
-> execute()
-> execute() // of class ExecuteEntryPoint
-> sync_execute()
-> _run()
-> get_contract_class()
run_from_entrypoint() // of class CairoFunctionRunner
-> initialize_function_entrypoint()
-> charge_fee()
What is the entry point selector?
The selector is a hash of the function name. It can be computed by get_selector_from_name()
. And the backend of the hash is keccak hash algorithm.
The selectors of contract functions are computed during get_contract_class()
, i.e. during compiling the source file. Thus, the value of the selectors can be seen in contract_compiled.json
"entry_points_by_type": {
"offset": "0x3a",
"selector": "0x362398bec32bc0ebb411203221a35a0301193a96f317ebe5e40be9f60d15320"
"offset": "0x5b",
"selector": "0x39e11d48192e4333233c7eb19d10ad67c362bb28580c604d67884c85da39695"
"L1_HANDLER": []
The offset is the exact position of the function’s first instruction, within the cairo contract bytecode. It is also computed during compiling.
And we can see that there are three types of functions:
How to determine the entry point given the selector?
This is done by method _get_selected_entry_point()
of the class ExecuteEntryPoint
. The class has a field entry_point_selector
that stores the selector of the function need to be executed. In this method, given the contract class, it will match entry_point_selector
with the selectors in contract and get the corresponding offset
, which is the exact position of the instruction that should be called within the cairo contract bytecode.